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  • GRC材料简介
  • GRC材料技术参数 & 检测报告
  • GRC材料生产工艺
  • GRC材料安装
  • 中文全称:玻璃纤维增强水泥复合材料
    英文名:Glass-fiber Reinforced Cement
    GRC 是玻璃纤维增强水泥复合材料的英文缩写,来源于欧美技术,是将抗碱玻璃纤维、水泥、砂等其他复合材料按一定配比搅拌,在模具 内浇灌成型,生产出造型丰富,质感多样的产品,被广泛应用在国内 外各具特色的建筑中。

    GRC 的胶凝材料是水泥,所以 GRC 也是一种混 凝土制品,属于混凝土行业中的一个分支。普通的混凝土抗压强度很 高,但是抗弯强度、抗拉强度以及抗冲击强度却较低。GRC 由于其中 掺入了抗碱玻璃纤维,使得其在以上的各方面性能相比于普通的混凝 土有了质的飞跃,在不降低混凝土制品本身优势的情况下,GRC 材料 大幅提高了水泥制品的抗弯强度、抗拉强度、抗冲击强度并降低了自 身的密度。

    优质的 GRC 制品的抗弯强度可以达到 25Mpa,抗冲击强度 达到 10-25KJ/m2,但是其干密度只有 1800-2000kg/m3,要比混凝土 制品轻 1/5 左右。以上这些特点使得 GRC 相比于预制混凝土或其他水 泥制品的有着非常明显的优势,尤其是当需要薄壁型的材料时,其抗 弯、抗冲击强度的优势将更加明显。




  • GRC设计的基础规定
    GRC design basis



    First, GRC exterior wall decoration components of the design work
    1. Building facade design (ie, component design).
    2. Component and building connection node design.
    3. Component design.
    GRC exterior wall design and application design must comply with the relevant national building and structural specifications. Building facade design and component selection


    Second, GRC exterior decorative components of the building facade design requirements
    1. Meet the requirements of building use function.
    2. Coordinate with the environment in which the building is located.
    3. beautiful, harmonious, style unity.
    4. The ratio is correct and the scale is appropriate.
    5. Technology is feasible and easy to install.
    6. Economical and reasonable.


    Third, the application of components to be given a detailed design drawings, node map
    1. Component type, variety, size, texture, color.
    2. The number and number of parts used.
    3. Combination of components and seams way.
    4. Component of the mouth closed processing.

    1.确定构件连接处缝隙。考虑到干湿变形和温度变形因素,水平连续构件之   间必须留有伸缩缝。单根长度不大于2m的构件其伸缩缝宽不小于5mm。单根长度2m以上的构件,伸缩缝宽应为5—10mm。
    (3)暗缝。用橡胶条(或塑料条)塞缝,建筑密封胶嵌缝后刮腻子,刷涂料, 使接缝处与构件表面一致。


    Fourth, horizontal continuous components (such as eaves line, waist line) and the corner of the treatment
    1. Determine the gap at the component connection.Taking into account the wet and dry deformation and temperature deformation factors, horizontal continuous components must be between the expansion joints.Single length of not more than 2m of the components of its expansion joints width of not less than 5mm. Single length of more than 2m components, expansion joints should be 5-10mm wide.
    2.There are three ways of gap handling between components:
    (1) clear seam. Similar to the real stone components, to maintain the natural seam effect.
    (2) half clear seam. With rubber strips (or plastic strips) seams, building sealant caulks.
    (3) dark seam. With rubber strips (or plastic strips) seams, building sealant caulking after scraping putty, brush paint, so that the seams and components on the same surface.
    (Note: semi-clear seam and dark seam treatment should not use cement mortar caulking.)
    3. The length of each component must be determined by the factors such as the size of the building's axis, the position of the door and window, the change of the corner of the wall and the position of the wall expansion joint (settlement slit), so that the connecting seam position of the component and the building facade Harmonized symmetrical symmetry.And the size of the component is suitable for making and installing. Horizontal component length range can be between 1.2-2.4m.
    4. The horizontal members at the corner of the building shall be designed as male and female corners and shall not be used for splicing. The length of the yin and yang angle can be between 0.3-1.2m.


    Fifth, the length of continuous continuous components (such as columns, vertical sets, etc.) length, seam way.
    1. Determine the length of each component of the longitudinal continuous member according to the conditions of the facade, the structural conditions and the conditions of manufacture, transportation and installation. The longitudinal length of a single member is generally between 1.2 and 3.6 m. A column with a diameter greater than 800, such as a transport installation, can also be made to 5-6 m long to avoid or reduce cracks.
    2. The width of the slit longitudinally continuous handling member connected at the same horizontal continuous member.
    3. The longitudinal design of the longitudinal continuous member shall avoid the transmission of the weight of the upper layer member to the lower member.
    4. The longitudinal members can not be set across the expansion joints (settling joints).



    Six, the combination of components

    (Such as the door and window sets, the combination of mountain flowers, columns and feet from the composition of the colonnade, etc.) should ensure that the proportion between the components of the appropriate relationship between the logical relationship is reasonable, seam processing can be the same with the horizontal continuous components.Flat continuous components (such as mountain tai stone, continuous laying of the decorative panels, etc.) shall be based on the detailed dimensions of the building facade drawing components to determine the structure of the transverse joints of the joints and the width of the joints (slot width optional 10-30mm).Calculate the detailed size and quantity of the irregularities required for stitching and closing, so as to avoid cutting the cutting members on site. The planar continuous member shall be disconnected at the building expansion joint (sinker).


    Seven, the connection of components and walls
    1. The component is connected to the wall.

      (1) no waterproof requirements, available cement mortar to fill.
      (2) there are waterproof requirements, to be used to seal the seal or other waterproof material.
    2. The connection between the component and the wall change (such as cornice, window, door, balcony, rain Peng, water outlet, wall mutations and corners) should be based on the actual design of detailed nodes. In the edge of the site to pay special attention to the installation of bolts to split the possibility of the wall, so the location of the components to ensure that the installation of the bolt from the edge to ensure a certain distance.
    3. The relationship between falling water pipes, plug-in equipment (such as air conditioners) and components.



    Eight, highlight the wall with water may be the components of the drainage should consider the slope.
    The wall members can be routed to the roof, with wall members should be discharged to the wall, the top surface drainage slope should be not less than 3%.For aerated concrete, hollow blocks, lightweight wall panels and hollow bricks and other lightweight walls and old buildings have been crisp or hollowed out of the wall, the design facade and optional components must consider the wall structure of the safety and reliability, To make the corresponding structural design and treatment program.

  • GRC生产工艺
    GRC production process


    GRC production process mainly has the following six steps :
    1. computer programming
    2.Engraving machine engraving mold
    3. Mold assembly production
    4. Production of the product
    5. Product stripping maintenance
    6. Product packaging transport


    一、Computer Programming:Factory carving master according to CAD drawings, in accordance with the requirements of customers and drawings marked above the size of the preparation of computer programs.Need to carve the general are the shape of the site, can not use the plate to achieve the site.



    二、Engraving machine engraving mold : The engraver to write a good program into the computer, three-dimensional CNC engraving machine began to automatically engrave the mold.General carving materials are mainly wood, gypsum, foam.



    三、Mold assembly production
    The basic process of mold making is as follows :
    2.Open material---
    3.Set the table---
    4.Fill ash mold, paint---
    6.To QC ---


    2. 硅胶模---造价贵,主要用于雕花,不易脱模(使用20-30次)

    四、The type of mold:
    1. Wood mold --- the number of use, can be directly made of wood negative mold (using 20-50 times)
    2. Silicone mold --- cost expensive, mainly used for carving, easy stripping (using 20-30 times)
    3. FRP --- the use of more than the cost of wood than your (use 100-200 times)
    4. Gypsum mold --- use less (use 2-3 times)
    5. Cement mold



    五、Product jet production : GRC produ ction process there are two, one is the hand paste process, the other is the spray process.I produced all the products, all of the spray process production.The spray process is the GRC industry standard designation process.The quality and strength of the products produced by the spray process are several times or even several times more than the hand-paste process.

    The main steps of the spray process are as follows :
    1.Cleaning mold
    2.Playing off the oil
    3.Open material
    5.Back light




    六、Product stripping maintenance : GRC products after stripping, in accordance with the process requirements, need to maintain 28 days before they can achieve its maximum strength.Under normal circumstances, the factory can be shipped seven days.

           Product packaging Transport : All the products of the factory need to be well packed.First with wrapping paper to packaging, the external also need to use wood to reinforce.There are two kinds of land transport and sea transport.If conditions and duration allow, preferred sea transport. Conditions are not allowed to choose land transport.


  • GRC安装方法详解
    GRC installation method in detail


    一、Direct installation method:
            Directly in the building wall with expansion screws or chemical anchor bolt, between the wall and the product without other auxiliary materials, this method is easy to install, fast and economical.But the structure of the building itself is very high, if the hollow brick, air brick and other walls can not be installed, preferably the concrete wall, the other requirements of the vertical and horizontal wall accuracy is relatively high, wall flatness is better.


    二、Ming Kong installation method:
            Product surface set aside the screw hole, hole to be thick, was small outside the shape of large, the installation of the screw head can not be higher than the product surface.



    三、Steel frame keel welding method (dry hanging type):
            This method applies to the product surface, no longer spray or do other surface treatment products.According to the needs of the product or structure need to use the main keel, 60 * 80 * 4 or 40 * 80 * 4 high-pass.Bone with 50 * 50 * 5 equilateral angle iron, connecting the product at the non-key components can be 40 * 40 * 4 equilateral angle iron.Specific material size according to design requirements, but the use of steel must be hot-dip galvanized bolts and angle code and other connectors, can be stainless steel and hot galvanized (from corrosion, rust effect).When the main keel is fixed in the wall, it should be rooted in the beam or concrete wall of the main structure,See Figure :


    Main keel fixed figure, steel base diagram



    Such as the emergence of special conditions installed on the wall of the base, the basic hollow can not be fixed or not solid, can be used grouting treatment, the wall openings, empty cement mortar can be fixed before the anchor.The connection between the product and the keel is via a stainless steel or hot-dip galvanized connection (the standard process is connected directly to the screw on the connector, and we usually use the welding method for easy operation).If the weld after welding the weld must be done anti-rust anti-corrosion treatment, and the length of the weld at least half of the length of the cross-section of the connector, can not have Weld, welding after the application of small sharp hammer hit welding parts To determine the welding firm.Connection of the link is divided into (one connection and secondary connection) as shown in Figure :


    One connection welding method


    Secondary connection welding method